How To Create An Employee Handbook People Will Actually Want To Read
Ask someone to describe a typical employee handbook and you’ll probably hear words like "dry," "stiff," and "boring." Let’s face it, most handbooks aren’t exactly page-turners. They’re documents designed to play defense or, worse yet, a catalog of past workplace problems.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Your employee handbook should be the road map for how to operate within your company—an introduction to your culture and a guide that your employees interact with on a regular basis. If you believe in your company’s vision, policies, and procedures, you should want every employee to read and use them.
So here’s an idea: Write an employee handbook your employees will want to read. The handbook is, after all, often the first document a new hire receives, sometimes the only document all employees are required to read and acknowledge, and a document that gets reviewed, revised, and recirculated every year. Seize the opportunity.
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Curabitur quis libero leo, pharetra mattis eros. Praesent consequat libero eget dolor convallis vel rhoncus magna scelerisque. Donec nisl ante, elementum eget posuere a, consectetur a metus. Proin a adipiscing sapien. Suspendisse vehicula porta lectus vel semper. Nullam sapien elit, lacinia eu tristique non.posuere at mi. Morbi at turpis id urna ullamcorper ullamcorper.
Curabitur quis libero leo, pharetra mattis eros. Praesent consequat libero eget dolor convallis vel rhoncus magna scelerisque. Donec nisl ante, elementum eget posuere a, consectetur a metus. Proin a adipiscing sapien. Suspendisse vehicula porta lectus vel semper. Nullam sapien elit, lacinia eu tristique non.posuere at mi. Morbi at turpis id urna ullamcorper ullamcorper
Curabitur quis libero leo, pharetra mattis eros. Praesent consequat libero eget dolor convallis vel rhoncus magna scelerisque. Donec nisl ante, elementum eget posuere a, consectetur a metus. Proin a adipiscing sapien. Suspendisse vehicula porta lectus vel semper. Nullam sapien elit, lacinia eu tristique non.posuere at mi. Morbi at turpis id urna ullamcorper ullamcorper
Curabitur quis libero leo, pharetra mattis eros. Praesent consequat libero eget dolor convallis vel rhoncus magna scelerisque. Donec nisl ante, elementum eget posuere a, consectetur a metus. Proin a adipiscing sapien. Suspendisse vehicula porta lectus vel semper. Nullam sapien elit, lacinia eu tristique non.posuere at mi. Morbi at turpis id urna ullamcorper ullamcorper
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